I heard a co-worker the other day talking about buying some “skinny jeans.”
I asked her what those are, and she said they are jeans that make you look skinny. Wow, I thought. That’s pretty awesome. What kind of voodoo magic is that? And where can I get a pair?
But she told me that they aren’t for men, only women. That doesn’t seem fair. Don’t I have the right to look skinny in a pair of jeans?
Then the more I got to thinking about it, I realized I probably don’t want to wear skinny jeans. For one thing, they are bound to be tight, and I don’t wear tight things. I hate being constrained. I’m the kind of guy who unsnaps his pants after a big meal, which causes quite a furor in the catfish restaurant.
I will stick with my “relaxed fit” jeans, which are the greatest invention for middle-aged men since the recliner. I don’t know who came up with this idea, but he or she is a genius. We all know who Eli Whitney and Robert Fulton were, but when’s the last time you used a cotton gin or rode on a steamboat? And yet the inventor of relaxed fit jeans lives in obscurity. Don’t seem right.
Like many men my age, I fight the battle of the bulge. Well, OK, I don’t really fight it, but I think about fighting it. Just the other night, as I watched a football game and looked down at the empty bag of barbecue potato chips at my side, I said to myself, I gotta do something.
So I brushed all the crumbs off my shirt, finished off my beer, and went upstairs to come up with a plan of action. Then I saw my bedroom, and I figured I didn’t want to tackle a drastic life-change like that without the benefit of a good night’s sleep, Luckily, when I woke up, I had forgotten the whole thing.
I don’t really want to get skinny, I just want to avoid getting too fat. I’ve been wearing 34-waist pants for about 20 years and I don’t want to move up to 36. That would be admitting defeat, plus I would have to buy a whole new wardrobe, and I don’t buy clothes. I make an annual sojourn to a place called The Sock Shoppe down in Griffin to stock up on socks, T-shirts and boxers, and then I hope I get a couple of pairs of pants for Christmas, and that’s about it.
My wife and daughter have made a couple of attempts to spice up my wardrobe, but I have resisted. My wife is currently threatening to buy me a white linen shirt with some sort of embroidery on the front of it. She said it looks like something they wear in Mexico. That’s exactly what I want at this stage of my life, to look like Ricardo Montalban.
But back to the weight issue. I suppose there are many options out there to consider. Sadly, they all include eating less food, and that’s a big stumbling block. There’s no magic pill. I remember not long ago reading about some fat-blocking pill that allegedly worked, but it also caused “anal leakage.” There’s a word combination you never want to see.
And diets? They’re too restrictive. Almost all of them prohibit you from eating large amounts of cheddar cheese, and that, I can’t abide. I used to work with an older guy at a newspaper, and one day a shapely advertising girl walked through the newsroom, and he stood up and said, “Boys, if I ever get too old to want that, I want y’all to kill me.” That’s how I feel about cheese.
So I guess I’ll just exercise a little more, skip the late-night potato chips, avoid Little Debbie snack cakes, and before you know it my size 34 relaxed fit jeans will be comfortable again, and I keep them snapped even after dinner. The waitresses at the catfish place will thank me.
See skinny jeans are skinny. If you are not skinny, you will not become skinny wearing them. In fact, if you are not already skinny, wearing skinny jeans will make you look like a sausage stuffed into it's casing. Only a woman who is guilty of doing so would ever imply otherwise.
I went to the Sock Shoppe last month when I was in town. The prices have gone up,but so has the quality. Still some of the best buys in clothing available.
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